Mu Europe

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Version S19 P13
Type 65x 30 DROP NoReset Cash Shop Starter
Location Norway
Last Update22 Mar 2024
Join Date12 Mar 2024


Mu Europe

 Registration Perks 
Receive 2000 Goblin Points to start your epic journey!

 Server Info 
 S19 P1-3 (IGCN)
Discord: Join Our Community
Location: Europe

Drop Rate: 45%
EXP Rate: Dynamic 65x
Sub EXP Rates:

1-1100 - 5000x
1101-1150 - 1000x
1151-1300 - 750x
1301-MAX - 65x

Fair Play: No Pay-to-Win, Earn WCoin by Voting
Server Type: Non Reset

 Server Guide 
 Gold/Silver Medal, Box of Luck with rare items, Kundun for 100% ancient items, Miracle coin, elemental capsules, Lapidary stones and ability crystals to help.
Events: Devil Square, Blood Castle with 25% bonus EXP, Happy Hour with 50% bonus EXP
Invasions: Golden mobs with jewel drops
Ruud: Earn Ruud from Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle events or Moss (bless/soul)
Boss Drops: Unique items from bosses like Gorgon, Ice Queen, etc.
Chaos Machine: +10 and +11 100%, +12 and +13 75%, +14 and +15 40% - all values without luck
Shops: Lucky Tickets in Bar/Up to +7 +12, Every class has their own shop

 Drop Guide 

Notable Global Drops: 
Muun egg, Miracle Coin, Elemental capsules (drops errtel and penta 4 socket, upgrade mats), Ability crystals and Artifact fragments, Wing Relic(2,3,4), Lapidary Stone, Jewel of Dark soul
Gold Medal: Drops higher tier weapons (+11, +13) and Jewels, Elemental Talisman of Luck and Chaos assembly Talisman, Spirit stones for wings
Silver Medal: Drops lower tier weapons

Heart of Love: Drops 400 socket weapons, and ele spheres + upgrade mats, Jewels

Bosses (spawn every 1h):
Ice queen, Gorgon, Balrog, Zaikan Death King: 
Golden Titan, Soldier, Goblin Lizard King, Vepar, Tantalos, Wheel: Jewels
Golden Dragon: 98% +11 +28 EXC Blue Eye set +L +S (level 1000 set), 2% Best earrings (Both L and R)
Kundun: 100% 2 ancients (non mastery)
Erohim: 80% 2 sealed bloodangel items, 20% exc +15 +S +L +28 weapon, 10% Errtel Radiance RANK4, Lemuria's orb Norrwen's bloodstring Lyra, Runedil's Goldentune Harp
Nightmare: 90% Ancient Hero's Soul/(Hero) Bloodangel Spirit, 10% 2x Bless of Light (Middle Grade), 2x Miracle Coin
Maya Hands: 2x random non mastery ancient
Selupan: 70% 380-400 Armor set +15 +S +L +28, 30% Weapon +15 +s +L +28
Medusa: 75% Sealed Armor Sculpture, 25% 2x Bless of Light (Middle Grade), 2x Miracle Coin
Lord Silvester: 80% Mysterious stone, 10% Arca's Prophecy Antonia's Sword, Kundun's Seal Scroll, 10% 3x Bless of Light (Middle Grade), 3x Miracle Coin
Lord of Ferea: 80% HolyAngel EXC +7-+9, 20% Runedil's Goldentune Harp, Lemuria's Orb, Norrwen's Bloodstring Lyra, Arca's Prophecy, Antonia's Sword, Kundun's Seal Scroll
Nix: 80% HolyAngel EXC +7-+9, 20% 10x Lapidary Stone
God of Darkness: 75% +11 +28 +S +L EXC Awakening Soul items, 20% 15x Lapidary Stone, 10x Artifact enchancment stone, 5% Blood Earrings and EXC Jasper Necklace

 Jewel Rates 
Jewel of Bless:
Jewel of Soul: 50% (+25% with Luck)
Jewel of Life: 75%

 Chaos Machine Rates 
+10 = 100%
+11 = 100%
+12 = 75%
+13 = 75%
+14 = 40%
+15 = 40%

Wings lvl 2 : 100%
Wings lvl 3 : 100%
Wings lvl 4 : 24% Max
Wings lvl 5 : 24% Max

 Custom Features 
Golden monsters:
 As sources of jewels
Golden dragons: Strongest bosses yet with drops to match!
Box of Luck: A global drop with chances for Kundun (+1 to +5) and Ancient Hero Soul
Class shops: With starter gear (+7/+12/+L/+S where applicable)
Ruud Personal Store: Buy items for RUUD

 Patch Notes - Balance Update 
Bless of Light and Seal rates refined for balanced progression
Lucky Ticket items in lorencia bar
Box of Luck now may include Ancient Hero Soul

 Additional Updates 
Increased drop rates for Gold Medal and Box of Luck
Boss spawn every hour!
Shop items now include +7/+12/+S/+L weapons, get better ones from
Enhanced rewards in Blood Castle and Devil Square!