Hill District GangRP

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Type Esx Gangs Drugs Roleplay Ambulance Cars Lspd Serious RP Jobs
Location United States
Last Update14 Apr 2022
Join Date03 Apr 2022


Hill District Roleplay

We are a brand new FIVEM Serious Gang Roleplay Server! We have very serious Roleplay roles! From Gangs, to Police, to Mechanics, to McDonalds and Walmart Workers. You can do it all in the city! Read the features below and give the server a try! Free Ranks/Roles to people who can help us expand the server!



- Serious Gang Roleplay

- Serious Police Roleplay

- Government Roles (governors,, lawyers, judges, etc)

- Military Roles

- **** Fields

- Selling ***** to NPC's (/dealer)

- Many Weapons

- McDonalds, Walmart, and more!

- Owning Shops


Hiring at all times!

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discord: https://discord.gg/k7uB3HvVqF



Server Trailer: 🔥Hill District FIVEM Server Trailer (HOOD RP) - YouTube