Grae North Roleplay

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Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Type Doj Roleplay Cops Custom Cars Jobs Serious Rp
Location Canada
Last Update28 Apr 2021
Join Date28 Apr 2021


Welcome to Great North Role Play we are a brand new Toronto area based server in Canada. We have many departments to choose and join! Our civ department will give you all of the freedom you would like because there is only one civ level! You just have to be an applied civ and your good to go. As for LEO we have Ontario Provincial Police, Toronto PD and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Every department is hiring and there are a lot of spots open so be sure to check them out in the applications section on our discord. Ralphs Recovery is a private tow service always available to help you out of the ditch. Do you like to party get stoned and eat a **** ton of mushrooms well your in luck, the Norths Smoke Shop van can be found around the map always willing to medicate you whenever and wherever, we also have a shop in the Downtown Toronto area. Every stoner or premium dealer would like to work for the Norths Smoke Shack they are hiring new members to help cure the sick and spread joy at every party. We Thank You for your time and hope you come check us out.



Toronto PD1378×819 202 KB



Toronto PD car1738×823 214 KB



Firetruck1904×1010 534 KB



NSS van1920×1080 451 KB



OPP car1920×1080 642 KB



OPP station and cars1916×1080 541 KB



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