
Sitio Web
Discord Discord
Versión V83
Tipo Nostalgic Low Rate NoPay2Win
Ubicación Netherlands
Ultima Actualización19 Apr 2021
Fecha de Ingreso19 Apr 2021


Do you wanna play Maplestory but you dont like the modern version of Nexon? Well, thats great news! We are AerisMS and we just started our own v83 Private server for you!
Enjoy the nostalgic fun you had with your friends back in the day when life was clear of worries about rent and survival!
Create a free account and start playing today!

How to get yourself on AerisMS? Follow the instructions below:

  • Download our game launcher and place it on your desktop.
  • Create a shortcut to your desktop if you want.
  • Start or double-click our game launcher
  • Enjoy!