Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version Any
Type Survival Bed Wars Bedrock Cracked Multiplayer Survival
Location Pakistan
Last Update15 Nov 2023
Join Date22 Aug 2023


Soul MC is a dynamic Minecraft server that offers an expansive and immersive gaming experience. Featuring a diverse range of gameplay modes, including lifesteal, survival, skyblock, free-for-all (FFA), bedwars, and much more, Soul MC caters to a variety of playstyles and preferences.

Whether you're a fierce warrior, a master builder, or a competitive strategist, you'll find your niche here. What makes Soul MC truly unique is its platform inclusivity. No matter if you're gaming on PC, console, or mobile, you can easily join the server, fostering a vibrant and diverse community of players.

Prepare to embark on epic adventures, engage in intense PvP battles with lifesteal mechanics, create your own islands in the skyblock world, survive the wilderness, and strategize your way to victory in bedwars. The possibilities are endless on Soul MC, making it a must-visit destination for Minecraft enthusiasts seeking excitement and camaraderie. Join us today and let your gaming soul shine!